So, what happened?
We traveled to the Tampa Bay area to visit the in-laws and friends and go to a wedding.
Emily and grandpa
We celebrated Christmas with a very sick baby.
Not fun.
We celebrated my mom's birthday by flying my parents here for a week. My sister and her boyfriend also flew in to celebrate.
Birthday dinner: lasagna, salad, cheesecake
Emily got sick... again, but not as bad as Christmas.
David got sick. I got through all the sickness with a mild cold, whew!
And here we are today, with me having the time to catch up!
So, hopefully, I will be a little more consistent with my posts. I have some recipes to share, show crafts that I have completed, and share baby knowledge, like, we're sleep training Emily right now to transition easily when Daylight Savings begins. Also, I want to share the stuff that I'm watching or reading because I love talking about them! Like, right now, I am watching the second season of Game of Thrones. I'm only done with the first episode but it's really good! Good first episode for a season.
Crossing fingers guys!