Sunday, March 17, 2013

Goodbye 1st Trimester!

I am officially in my 2nd trimester! And, thankfully, I am starting to feel better. The best part, no more nausea!!!!!! That makes me the happiest. Now I know that I'm just always hungry. I have my other symptoms but it's so much more easier to deal with now. The most important thing is I have no more nausea!! As long as I keep my appetite in check.

I had another appointment with the doctor a few days ago and so far so good. I am actually doing pretty well with the weight gain (and, yes, it's a good thing =p) and the Bean seemed okay. I didn't have an ultrasound done but she did use a doppler to check the heartbeat of the Bean and that was normal. David came with me this time so he got to listen to it as well. I have listened to it before, but it's still pretty incredible to hear something we have created feeding off of me. And, I just thought of this.... I am part TIME LORD!! For the next 6 months anyway. After all, time lord/humans aren't meant to be.

Unfortunately, I'm not quite up to working out yet. Every time I do a set of push-ups during work, I feel hungry/nausea after I'm done. I feel like it's a pretty obvious sign that anything more strenuous will not be good. Once that feeling goes away, I will be a happy camper. Days have been really nice and I've been wanting to do something outdoors that's not just walking. Running would be fun or even a more rigorous hike instead of a leisurely stroll.

Since finding out I was pregnant, I've been doing a lot of research about, well, everything. A great website I found that has very good general information was FitPregnancy. It's a great site that talks about the stages of pregnancy, health, nutrition, babies, working out and the like. The one thing that really caught my interest was that it had a focus on health and exercising (the Bump doesn't really do that) and articles have just enough to where I get the information I need. If I need more detail then I know what I should google for.

Pinterest has been giving a more personal insight into pregnancy where I would read women's blogs about their personal experience. As usual a lot were not so good, but there were a few that were really helpful and interesting. If you want to see the things I have pinned so far check out my Baby Board!

And I've been doing a lot of baby product research. Just like weddings, everything is so much more expensive when you tag on the word 'Baby' to stuff. Thank God people give away a lot of baby stuff. Our first stop will be Goodwill and the like. However, there will be a few things that will not be used, like strollers and car seats. I will gladly spend a reasonable amount of money for stability and safety. I know that eventually we will have to go out buy this stuff, but man it's intimidating. A lot of crap for a lot of money for a small amount of time. Luckily, there are a few things that are versatile so I'm hoping that I could get most of those.

I have my super important ultrasound in a month so it's more sitting and waiting until then. Which I hate but I know it can't be helped. Can't rush the Bean.

Obligatory bump photo

I would like to note that most of that bump is bloating and fat. Oh and my internal organs being shoved up towards my diaphragm. But it's a bump, nonetheless, I guess. Yes, I am vain. I'm just really looking forward to when I really look pregnant. Just a few more weeks!

So far, 4 people have told us that we are going to have a boy. Anyone else have thoughts?


  1. I'm pretty sure it's going to be a Jedi.

  2. YOu look fantastic!! I can't wait for you to find out if the bean is a boy or a girl! I know Andrea is dying to know too!!

    1. Thanks! I'm trying really hard to keep looking fantastic! I should be finding out in a couple weeks!
