Thursday, April 18, 2013

Boy or Girl?!

This is the moment you've been waiting for! The bean has been upgraded to Baby and we found out the gender yesterday!

Boy?   or   Girl?

But first, an update! If you're really that curious I understand if you want to scroll to the end of the post to see. Just make sure to scroll back up and read the rest of the post. =D

First, I've been fighting a cold the past few days and it's been pretty miserable. The one thing I can't stand is my sinus cavity all clogged up and runny, but I can't take the usual medicine to help ease the symptom while my body fights the cold. Psuedophendrine is one of the medicines that is a big no-no while you are pregnant, so I've been turning to home remedies. The only thing sucky about home remedies is that it really doesn't keep your sinuses from dripping. It remains swollen and drippy. However, with the home remedies, it at least keeps mucus thin so it easily drains. So when pregnant and you have a cold make sure you have a humidifier, vicks, tylenol and tea on hand. Take hot showers and drink lots of fluids cold or hot. I prefer hot because the hot water and steam helps loosen mucus. If you have a sinus headache, it's ok to take tylenol (it's one of the few pain meds they approve while you are pregnant). I feel a little better today so I think the worse is now behind me. Hopefully I can get a decent night sleep tonight (probably not since my sinuses are still swollen and clogged). Just remember, your body will take longer to take care of viruses and the like because your immune system is not running at 100%. Which is good because then it won't attack the fetus as a foreign body and try to rid it out of the body.

We had an ultrasound appointment yesterday and it was the big one! I kinda knew what to expect but not the amount. I knew that the sonographer was going to take a bunch of measurements of the baby but I didn't realize how many measurements. We looked at practically everything: brain, heart, kidneys, stomach, limbs. It was really interesting seeing all of it on screen. They were basically blobs but it was still cool. It was really amazing to see the baby moving inside me and then feeling it move at the same time. It's a pretty incredible feeling. And David was thrilled to see that the baby was already gearing up for kungfu with all the punches we saw. The baby even gave us a thumbs up! And then came the big moment when we found out the gender of our baby!!

So a tally before the reveal: Girl - 5, Boy - 8

And our baby is......

A GIRL!!!!!

Pardon the tired face but I haven't been getting much sleep due to the cold. BUT, our baby is a girl! Very exciting! I really didn't have a preference but I had some kind of intuition that it was going to be a girl. It's probably because I feel more comfortable with girls? Either way it's exciting to know! Both our parents are excited and my sister is incredibly excited. And, funnily, this came with the 3-pack of onsies I bought:

This is for you Andrea <3

So there it is!


  1. I'm so thrilled to have a niece~~ I can't stop WOOOOOOOOOOOOing!!!!

    1. She really hasn't stopped wooing :D so i just wooo along with her!! yayyyyyyyy

    2. The more 'woo's the better? LoL. I can't stop looking at the sonogram pictures! =D

  2. YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY!!!!!! I don't know how I missed your text for so long. But I am soooo excited about you having a girl!!!! I am sorry you are sick though :-( Home remedies are good though. So YAY!!!! Congrats~~~~~~ <3

    1. Thanks Dawn!! I saw that you liked the link on FB so I thought you read the blog XD
