Wednesday, August 19, 2015

And It's A.....

So I had my 2nd trimester ultrasound a couple of days ago. Which means it's the cool one where you see them take measurements of everything. We were really looking forward to this one. It's something David and I can enjoy together where I don't feel bad for taking him to an appointment where nothing really happens. Haha! To be fair, listening to #2's heartbeat is always great but my visits haven't been very long or interesting; which is a good thing because it means everything is normal. And normal is good!

20 Weeks (definitely bigger than the first time)

Overall the visit went really well. We did a quick visit with the doctor after the ultrasound and she said that everything looked normal. #2's measurements were on par with the due date and nothing looked abnormal. It did take a little bit of time though because #2 wouldn't stop moving. When we did the ultrasound with Emily, she did a lot of moving but, overall, she stayed in one place. This one was doing flips and turns making it hard for the sonographer to capture things easily. This makes sense because I do feel a lot of jabs and pokes but I feel A LOT of sweeping movements. Makes me wonder what they will be like when they come out because Emily moved around a lot and now she is completely nonstop.

And for the moment you've all been waiting for! Unless you follow me or David and Facebook and saw the announcement from David. Hah! But we are having a GIRL! Yay!

Honestly, we weren't really hoping for one or the other but it's nice to finally know. A boy would have been interesting but I now have some base knowledge for #2. And now the real planning can begin.... which really isn't too much. We saved everything from before so there are just little things that we will need (If more car seats count as little things). One big thing I would like to have done is to paint her (ah!) room. It's an incredibly loud ninja turtle ooze green that just cannot stay. Boys were in that room so I'm thinking they were allowed to choose their own color.

Look at all the clothes I can reuse!!

So I'm halfway through and things are going along swimmingly. I'm just going to enjoy the rest of my time.


  1. Looking beautiful as always my dear! Congrats!

    1. Thanks!! Always the most fun part of pregnancy =D

  2. Your hair is soooooo long!!! Congrats on another beautiful GIRL!

    1. Thanks! It's nice to finally know. And, yes, my hair is annoyingly long. I am planning on cutting it in the next few weeks.
