Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Christmas Tradition

Merry Christmas everyone!

Even though we are having a very lowkey Christmas this year, I am very excited. This will be our first Christmas together as a family. Last year was our first Christmas as a married couple but we traveled for Christmas so we did put up a tree or anything. And we did not have Emily so this is our first Christmas where we can start new traditions together.

The weekend after Thanksgiving we headed out to the store and bought our tree and some trimmings. We didn't buy a whole lot because once Christmas ends all the Christmas items would go on sale so we would just get some essentials and then we would do some more shopping once the sales began.

Then David came up with a brilliant idea that we immediately started. Since we had to start from scratch with our tree we knew this first year would be fairly expensive. BUT, instead of buying all the ornaments at once and spend all that money, we would buy each other an ornament that represents us each year instead. Our tree will be a little on the sparse side for a few years, but as time passes our tree will be filled with special ornaments with meaning instead of just putting whatever up.

Emily helping

So for our first year David got me a Nerd Minnie from Disney's Nerd Collection. I have always adored this collection and took all my willpower not to buy everything from it. i got David a Santa Mickey because he is Mickey and is now Santa for Emily. Then we got Emily a Baby's First Christmas ornament and inserted a picture of her.

As traditions go, I love this one and I can't wait for what other traditions will happen as the years go by.


  1. That's a lovely tradition, Susan~ Making special memories with loved ones is what the holidays are all about. Love you guys. Merry Christmas.

  2. I love this tradition! When Jason and I first started dating, we each had our own ornaments, but not many. Now we collect ones from places we have gone, and our tree is looking quite full! I love how Emily "helped"
