Friday, December 25, 2015

Last Post of 2015 (Christmas, 3rd Trimester Update, and Name Reveal!)

Merry Christmas, everyone!

We didn't do anything big this year because of #2, but we did do some things for Emily to make Christmas fun for her. I took today off as cook so I didn't make anything fancy to eat. Instead we concentrated on making sure Emily enjoyed opening her presents and playing with her new toys. And as she naps from the excitement this morning, I'm taking this time to give you guys an update on things since things will start to get really hectic once 2016 (!) arrives.

Emily's present area

Thursday, October 22, 2015

It's a HUGE Update!

Things are staying busy here at the Lyons' house. And as autumn has finally arrived (although I will miss summer), I figure I would do a summary of what has happened this past season since my last update in July.

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

And It's A.....

So I had my 2nd trimester ultrasound a couple of days ago. Which means it's the cool one where you see them take measurements of everything. We were really looking forward to this one. It's something David and I can enjoy together where I don't feel bad for taking him to an appointment where nothing really happens. Haha! To be fair, listening to #2's heartbeat is always great but my visits haven't been very long or interesting; which is a good thing because it means everything is normal. And normal is good!

20 Weeks (definitely bigger than the first time)

Thursday, August 13, 2015


The #2 refers to the fact that I am pregnant again! I actually announced it a couple months ago because I wanted to announce it on my birthday. A few have also gone by since I passed the first trimester, but I wanted to talk about it to update everyone. (Since I know you're all so curious.)

18 weeks

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

The New Home Sweet Home

So there's a good reason I haven't posted anything for a while (again). We were in the process of buying and selling homes! It was a whirlwind of prepping for showings, seeing houses and dealing with 2 closings within a month. It was a tad hectic here.

But Sue! You haven't been in your house for very long. Correct. We have lived at house for 2 years once we finally moved, but certain circumstances had us consider moving now.

Friday, March 6, 2015

It's Been a While!

It's been several months since my last post. Nothing incredible major happened in that time. It was more like a bunch of little events that piled up onto each other and it's harder to get back on track with a toddler.

So, what happened?

We traveled to the Tampa Bay area to visit the in-laws and friends and go to a wedding.
Emily and grandpa

We celebrated Christmas with a very sick baby.
Not fun.

We celebrated my mom's birthday by flying my parents here for a week. My sister and her boyfriend also flew in to celebrate.
Birthday dinner: lasagna, salad, cheesecake

Emily got sick... again, but not as bad as Christmas.

David got sick. I got through all the sickness with a mild cold, whew!

And here we are today, with me having the time to catch up!

So, hopefully, I will be a little more consistent with my posts. I have some recipes to share, show crafts that I have completed, and share baby knowledge, like, we're sleep training Emily right now to transition easily when Daylight Savings begins. Also, I want to share the stuff that I'm watching or reading because I love talking about them! Like, right now, I am watching the second season of Game of Thrones. I'm only done with the first episode but it's really good! Good first episode for a season.

Crossing fingers guys!