Monday, April 29, 2013

Maternity/Nursing Bra Shopping

This will be a completely informational post! I've actually wanted to post this a couple of weeks ago but then I got sick and did not want to do anything. And then posting about the baby's sex was more important. So, finally, here it is!

I'm sure there are posts about maternity bra shopping but I haven't really found anything. Well, anything super useful. Bra shopping in normal circumstances is a pain and finding a maternity/nursing bra is no different. So I figure friends will like to have this information, be it for now or for the future.

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Halfway There! (20 weeks)

I'm halfway there! I'll be in my 20th week this week and I think this is a good time for an update of things I've gone through and experienced. Time was really dragging for the weeks leading up to finding out our baby was a girl. I was so eager to find out. But looking back and taking in the whole picture, time flew. I can't believe 20 weeks passed and in another 20 weeks we're going to meet our baby!

It's only going to get bigger from here. My toes are barely peeking out.

Just be warned, this post may get a little detailed.

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Boy or Girl?!

This is the moment you've been waiting for! The bean has been upgraded to Baby and we found out the gender yesterday!

Boy?   or   Girl?

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Florida Wedding

I love weddings. It is a time of joy, friends and great memories. This past Saturday was the wedding of a good friend. And it was beautiful. Although everything was mostly indoors, the weather was perfect. The church was beautiful and the reception was decorated very nicely.

The happy, newlywed couple!

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Baked Chicken Parmesan

Life has been pretty normal. Except for the swelling belly that is. Things seem to be progressing nicely so there's no complaining here. My sinuses have been bothering me a lot though. I had an infection a couple weeks ago that kept getting worse and my normal ways of handling this was not working. I eventually spoke with the midwife and she gave me some more tips on helping out my sinuses without taking antibiotics. It took about 2 weeks but, thankfully, it got better. HOWEVER, a symptom of pregnancy are swollen and stuffy sinuses so it's not like my sinuses will be getting back to normal any time soon. But I know I got better from a sinus infection. Thank God, because I really didn't want to take antibiotics. Going to a midwife has been a great decision. So back to food...