Wednesday, October 22, 2014

1 Year Retropsection

So~~~~ My baby is one!! Seriously, where has the time gone? And in the 6 months since my last update, Emily has changed so much... again!

We had a great first birthday with my parents flying in to celebrate. I got a cake for Emily and we had a traditional setting with fruits and rice cakes.My mom even borrowed a hanbok (traditional Korean dress) from a friend for Emily to wear.

Happy birthday!

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Pancake Weekend

Yay life! But as long as I'm doing something interesting, forgetting to blog is okay. 

So, how this happened....

Pancake Cake

Sunday, July 27, 2014

Traveling Alone for a Breastfeeding Mom

It's been so long since my last post. Oh, life. But I really wanted to post about my adventure traveling alone and pumping.

So, a few weeks ago, my book club celebrated our 5 year anniversary. And we planned a weekend trip to a house in Virginia. It was a wonderful time but underlying with some stress.

Thursday, June 12, 2014

Birthday Brunch

This past weekend was my birthday! And as birthday weekends go, this one was pretty good. It included my family, friends, video games and a 5k.

First birthday with my family!

Sunday, June 1, 2014

Chalk Art Festival

It's been so long since I posted about an outing. Even though Emily is still on 2 naps, it's at a pretty consistent time so if we plan things well, we can maximize how long we are about to be out. Her first nap is always short so I don't feel too bad if she falls asleep in her stroller but I do want her to be home for her second nap because that is the long one.

I found out that the Chalk Art Festival was happening this weekend so we decided to head over downtown to look at the chalk art. This definitely reminded me of the Festival of the Masters at Downtown Disney. Obviously, this one was only chalk art but the Festival of the Masters also had chalk artists at work. Of course we went Sunday because that's when a majority of the art would be complete.

I'm so glad we went. The weather was perfect, Emily was in a good mood, and the art was fantastic.

Artists hard at work

Sunday, May 18, 2014

Mother's Day 5k

Sometimes I feel like "Hallmark" holidays are a little much. Especially, if someone gets really bent out of shape if they aren't given an expensive gift or something. But, Mother's Day is a nice little holiday to take a day and really appreciate someone you love and I do like that about these kinds of holidays.

Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Pre-Baby Body (Not So Much)

There are a lot of websites/blogs about going back to the pre-baby body. Just perusing Pinterest and reading the descriptions, they usually say, "Lose weight in 6 weeks!" or "How I Lost All My Baby Weight Doing (Insert exercises here)". I was never a fan of dieting and doing a specific exercise to get a specific result for losing weight. I am more about living a healthy lifestyle by eating well and staying active and fit.

So after 7 months, I'm finally going to talk about getting back to being fit. It's still an ongoing process but I want others to know that there shouldn't be any pressure in losing that baby fat and going back to you "pre-baby self". Because, honestly, there is no going back to your pre-baby body...

Friday, March 14, 2014

6 Month Retrospection

Unbelievable, but Emily is now 6 months old. What happened to the time!? When I think back, there are moments when time was just inching along and it was going to be forever until bedtime. Then there are moments where I can't believe a week whizzed by and I'm not sure what I did in that time.

Whenever I have a moment to myself (it actually happens now!), I sometimes think back to how we have grown individually and as a family.

So here it is, a look back to the last 6 months

My 6-month old! ;.;

Friday, February 14, 2014

Sleepy Time

Remember when I said breastfeeding was the hardest thing ever? Well, here's hardest thing ever #2, sleep. Sleep is the next hardest thing. At first, it doesn't seem like a big deal because newborns sleep all the time and young infants sleep a lot and their sleep doesn't need to be regulated. For the most part they just need to sleep a lot.

That was the case with Emily at first. She ate, slept, pooped around the clock with little issue (except during her growth spurts; those are awful).

Sleeping at the hospital

Sleeping at home (That was her "nope-nope" face)

Then a couple months later she wouldn't nap really well. And then she hit 4 months and everything kind of went down the drain. She was going through sleep regression and having a growth spurt at the same time. I think was also in her wonder week period, so lovely. It was not a fun time and for a week we were not happy campers; mom and dad were exhausted and baby was grumpy. She also decided that she would not sleep as well as she used to.

That's when I decided that it was time to sleep train. So here's been our journey so far.

Photos of a sleeping baby never gets old

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Watch All the TV Shows!

So, this blog hasn't been much in the way of "hippie" or "geek" lately. A lot of baby related posts though. Which makes sense since it has been my life the past 4.5 months. However, I wanted to share the TV shows that I have been able to watch during this time.

"But Sue, how do you find the time with an infant?"

Simple. I watch TV while I breastfeed. I love watching her feed but it tends to get boring when she feeds for an hour... or more. There's only so much I can take with just staring at her feed. I do read as well but that requires me to strain my neck so I can't do it for a long period of time. And it's hard to focus on words in the middle of the night during a night feed when my eyes are bleary from waking up suddenly.

So since I started getting the hang of breastfeeding, I took to watching a whole lot of TV. And now that she is getting bigger and her tummy can take in more milk and she's in daycare, the amount of TV I have been watching decreased. Which I am okay with. It makes it feel like things are going back to normal for me.

I figure this was a great time to share which shows I have been watching these last 4 months.