Sunday, May 18, 2014

Mother's Day 5k

Sometimes I feel like "Hallmark" holidays are a little much. Especially, if someone gets really bent out of shape if they aren't given an expensive gift or something. But, Mother's Day is a nice little holiday to take a day and really appreciate someone you love and I do like that about these kinds of holidays.

So, this year was my first Mother's Day and a few weeks ago, I found out about the Mother's Day 5k. I haven't run in a long time and I had been itching to pound the pavement again. I thought that doing this 5k would be a great goal to have to start back up. And it would be in May so the weather would be nice and it would be something fun for us to go to.

It kind of worked out.

I was finally able to make the time to run around my neighborhood, but only once a week. So I ended up running 3 times before the race and each just over a mile. It's a start though, so I'm not really complaining.

Then as the race came closer, the weather forecast got crappier and crappier. Then it got better. Then it got really crappy. Then is got reasonable. Then it ended up being really crappy. It ended up being 35, windy and freezing rain which got worse and turned into snow as they day went on. Why did I still do it? Because I'm dumb and I felt like I should since I paid.

What a wonderful day for a run

I gotta say, even though it was pretty miserable, I felt really proud of myself that I still did it. My time was around 37 minutes. Not bad considering. I did do a few quick stints of walking because my knee was feeling tweaky (I've been having slight knee issues every since the Tough Mudder I did a couple years ago but it's slowly been improving). I also had to take one potty break. So, yeah, I did it and I am glad I did. I have never done anything like this in such awful weather and it's been experience. I'm not sure if I would do it again though.

Thank God I was dressed for it

Emily and David waited for me patiently in a pavilion where the expo was. Thank God for that pavilion or they would have either waited in the car or I probably wouldn't have run at all. It was great to think that they were waiting for me when I was finished. The sooner I finished, the sooner I got to see them.

Hopefully, I'll get to do more 5ks this year before the weather gets awful again. And now that I have a baseline, I can now set a goal for myself. And first is to get to a 10-minute mile.

My finish line water and banana!


  1. You didn't suffer the weather because you're "dumb" but because you are **awesome**.

    So proud of you, honey!

  2. Yeahh I'm going with you're definitely awesome!
