Friday, January 11, 2013

Introducing Myself

     Hello! Sue here as the newly Wedded Hippie Geek! After a lot of contemplating, I have decided to continue my blogging adventure. I started out blogging about my engagement and the process that my husband and I went through to bring our wedding together. I had so much fun blogging about our experience and sharing all the things I was working on with my family and friends that I wanted to continue on.

Us on our wedding day

     However, the problem after the wedding was I didn't really have anything to blog about; or rather, I didn't have a focus. There were a lot of things I would love to have blogged about but I didn't want to only talk about one thing. Then it came to me, I can just blog about the things that I enjoy and make it more like a life experience blog and make it encompass me: the Wedded Hippie Geek. Not only that, but my husband got a new job and now we moved from Florida to Colorado! So I plan to blog about our adventures adjusting to Colorado life and about the things I love.

     So, to start off, what will you expect with this blog? Not only the things we learn as we settle into Colorado life, but posts about interesting, fun and, hopefully, informational topics. Hence, my name!

     Firstly, I am a HUGE geek. Anime, movies, TV shows, books, music, video games and cartoons... I love it all. Obviously, I love certain shows and genres, but it will all be revealed as I continue on. I will start by saying that I have been on a BBC kick the last few months.

 The current Doctor. Still one season behind...

 One of my favorite franchises. Final Fantasy is also another
It makes me a little sad that this now in the classics category. I'm so old...

     Secondly, I am kind of a hippie. We are fairly conscious of what we recycle and what green products we buy. We also love to eat healthily. Sure there are those times that we will eat not-so-healthy foods but for the most part we are pretty good. I love to cook and it has been pretty interesting cooking foods that contain more wholesome foods than processed foods. Along that line, we are very health-conscious and try to lead general healthy lives.

     Lastly, we just got married in October and sharing about our journey being together may be interesting. Especially when we hit those big milestones in a marriage: buying a house and children.

     I like sharing the knowledge I have learned and fangirling with others with the interests that we share. So I am really looking forward to posting to this blog!

And with that, I would like to present a more normal picture of myself:
...with sangria =)


  1. Boulder is the land of the hippie, I hope you like it there!! --Megan

    1. So far so good! Boulder is about 30 minutes away from where I am driving... I think. So we haven't really ventured out there yet. It has been very cold.

  2. Yay! Such a great way to keep in touch and read your new adventures!
