It doesn't mean that I had to enjoy the process. I know there are plenty of women out there who say that they would do it all over again, but I am not one of those women. However, there has been research that shows there is a hormone that helps mom forget about the pain and only remember the happy glow of the arrival of the baby. Not sure if that worked on me. I am very much on the fence if I want to get pregnant again or not. But ask me again in a few months and we'll see if I change my mind.
Since I found out I was pregnant, I know I wanted a natural childbirth. I did not want any sort of medical intervention unless it was absolutely necessary. And David, being the supportive husband that he is, agreed. It helps we agree that we don't like unnecessary medical intervention and we like to let things be done naturally if we can. With all the reading that I have done, I felt doing a natural birth would be best for me. I've never liked taking medicine to begin with so the idea of an epidural, or something along that line, was not appealing. There are always complications and side effects that are not fun and I would probably have been in the small percentage where the epidural won't even work. It is also mentioned that labor could go longer with an epidural. I also did not like the idea of not feeling my own contractions or depending on my midwife when a contraction was coming. Modern epidurals aren't as powerful so you could still feel your contractions but it's not guaranteed. I really think my experience was better because I was able to feel my contractions.
The whole labor and delivery took about 16 hours. Funnily, my water broke around midnight and the contractions were not far behind. The midwife suggested I get some sleep since it was the middle of the night and it would be a while until I had to head to the hospital. However, there was no way I could go back to sleep. I really tried but it was hard when a contraction would hit every few minutes and I was keeping a log of them so I knew when to start to head to the hospital. At this early stage, the pain isn't so bad. It felt like really bad cramps. When I realized I couldn't sleep, I utilized my time by resting and eating to store up some energy. So I was basically up for almost 24 hours from when I woke to when I was able to sleep after delivery. David was very supportive while we were home and I was dealing with the contractions. He helped prepare our bags to get ready to go the second we had to head to the hospital. I felt like I could have stayed at home a little longer but David was concerned about traffic and weather (it was the time when we got all that rain for 2 days straight) so we headed to the hospital.
After going through triage, I spent several more hours in labor and the contractions were getting more intense. This is where taking a class came in handy because we were able to apply what we learned. While I did my deep breathing, David massaged my back and was great support during my contractions. I tried a warm bath but it wasn't working for me. Although, it did help me turn the baby into a more ideal position, the way I had to deal with my contractions in the tub was not comfortable so I didn't stay in it for very long. I mostly used a fitness ball to help cope but breathing was a HUGE factor. You don't have to take an intense birthing class but you should at least know breathing techniques to get you through contractions.
Thankfully, the actual delivery part was not very long. I was so tired and hungry at that point that even taking a little rest was useless. So I found some energy in reserve and continued on. The midwife offered a numbing cream but I went this far without using anything so I declined. It wasn't going to be for very much longer so I knew I could make it. So I can proudly say that I experience a completely natural childbirth.
Word cannot describe what I felt when they placed Emily on my chest for skin-to-skin and breastfeeding. I just kept chanting "Oh my God!" and I know David was too. The rush of emotions is crazy and I basically shut down all my senses to my surroundings and focused on Emily. Here was this tiny being that we created and kept inside of me for 10 months and now we can actually see her, touch her, and feel her. Cue waterworks.
Proud mommy
Proud daddy
I did have a small issue after delivery where I had a minor hemorrhage and they had to monitor me to make sure I didn't need a blood transfusion. Luckily, it did not have to go to that and I was given an IV of saline solution for some amount of time. Other than that, recovery was normal and we spent 2 days at the hospital. It worked out since the weather was so awful those 2 days.
I just want to say that we had a great experience at the hospital. The staff was incredibly supportive and friendly. They had answers to questions from recovery to breastfeeding. And if they didn't know, they would find out. They were not overbearing but were available when you needed them. If anyone in the South Denver area is looking for a great place to give birth, University Colorado Hospital is definitely the place to go.
It has been such an experience going through the birthing process. It was incredibly painful and miserable and I'm not sure I want to go through it again. BUT, the end result was Emily so it made the awful experience worth it. I can see how a natural childbirth is not for everyone but I feel it is the best way to have a baby. My body absolutely knew what to do so I just listened and went with the flow. It also helped that the midwife was incredible. So aside from the pain, the whole experience was really good.
So some general pointers I have learned:
- Make sure your doctor/midwife is someone who agrees with how you want to give birth
- Rest when you can
- A detailed class in not necessary but you should take one that will help you with breathing and coping techniques
- Make sure your partner is on the same page as you
- When you are in labor you are the priority. Ask for whatever you need
- Be flexible with your birth plan. Stuff can happen
- Bring light snacks to help keep your energy up
- Trust you body
Every woman's experience is different but I did want to share my experience so one can see how a natural childbirth can go. After years of lying on your back, epidurals and quick medical intervention conditions, it seems like the choice of natural childbirth is coming back. And the more sharing of knowledge and experience the more women may choose this path since you can get a gist of what to expect. Yes, it is painful and yes it is agonizing but if you keep the end insight everything will be worth it.
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